About me

Hi, I'm Gill

I’m an experienced coach with a background in mental health nursing. I use a blend of NLP coaching, Timeline Therapy and Hypnotherapy to guide you through the exact steps you need to take to create a life of freedom, ease and self-trust. Inspired by my own journey, where I finally released what was holding me back, I developed the Becoming Me method, which continues to transform the lives of my clients from all walks off life.

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My Story

In the aftermath of an abusive relationship, I was left feeling overwhelmed with self-doubt. My confidence and self-esteem was shot to pieces, and I was riddled with guilt that I’d exposed my son to everything that happened to me. I felt stuck, and I knew that I had to find a way to let go of the emotions that were holding me back.

Today it’s a different story. I’m now able to recognise my triggers and release what’s holding me back whenever these feelings arise. I know I can confidently create my own path and invite more freedom and possibility into my life. 

And my mission is to help as many men and women as possible to step into a life of freedom, confidence and possibility. Whether you’ve left an abusive relationship, you’re stuck in a job you hate, or you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, I can help.

Picture of Gill on the phone and smiling

When I'm not coaching

This is Sally and Chance. Both are rescues, take a lot of hard work and give so much pleasure. They really are funny , mischievous hounds.

Being able to take these  two out before I start my working day helps me focus, have a clear head and give the best I can to my clients during  sessions.

All work and no play no matter how much we love what we do can leave to us  feeling out of alignment and balance. Then the negative feelings , thoughts and emotions have a place to come out.

Always take care of yourself and make the time everyday to do something you enjoy and find pleasure in.

Becoming Me Method

Developed from a blend of NLP coaching, hypnotherapy and timeline therapy, the Becoming Me Method continues to transform the lives of my clients from all walks off life.

Open up

The more open we are at the beginning, the more transformative this work will be. You'll have the opportunity to tell your story and share why you're here today. Once we've found out what it is you really want, we'll carve out a tailored plan to get you there.


We will discover how the negative emotions and beliefs you hold about yourself are keeping you stuck. Through recognising and acknowledging your triggers, you'll learn how to overcome and release what's holding you back.


Through your new lens, it's time to step into a life of freedom, confidence and possibility. Whether it's saying no to that thing you've been dreading, or yes to that dream job, you'll have the tools to deal with future triggers and situations. You will finally be able to take charge and create the life you really want.

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